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Golf on the Range

Below is a practice plan that I have developed which is target orientated and will really help with your approach play.

Firstly take a few minutes to warm up, stretching and making practice swings, then select a wedge and 2 irons, I would suggest the irons are at least 3 clubs apart. i.e. 5 iron & 8 iron.

This plan is based upon a basket of 50 balls.

  • 7 balls – Using your wedge hit these balls towards a target to complete your warm up.

  • 18 balls – Using the shorter of your selected irons, pick a target at that clubs landing distance. You are now going to play a round of golf. For every shot that lands right on your target, award yourself a birdie. For every ball landing within an acceptable distance award a par and every ball landing further away will be a bogey. Keep a track of your score for the 18 holes, then note down the score and the club you used as a target for future sessions.

  • 18 balls – Now repeat the game and play another 18 holes with your longer iron. Again note your score for future sessions.

  • 7 balls – Using your wedge hit these balls towards a target to warm down.

This is a great session for helping you focus on target and will really help improve your approach play. Go through your pre shot routine for each shot and give every ball 100% concentration.

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